Ultimate Cleaning Guide to Unraveling Clutter After Unexpected Death

Oct 21, 2021 | Deceased Estate, Trauma Clean

Clearing up after a loved one has gone into care or has passed away, especially if it was unexpected, is a daunting task.

This is the most excruciating time, sitting amongst the possessions going through every memory, one by one and working out what to do with it all.

My husband passed away suddenly, well ex husband to be exact, except we still spoke and cared about each other. So the sorting began.

There are boxes of things with no relevance to anyone. They need to be sorted, removed, taken to charity, given to those in need or taken to a waste facility. 

So Much I Don’t Want

Boxes of old paperwork, training manuals, magazines, receipts, plans, shopping lists, Christmas cards, Father’s Day and birthday cards.

We burnt some paperwork, I cried watching his handwritten notes go black, curl up and disappear forever. It was like losing him a little bit at a time. 

Aust Decon help families to move on after they have lost someone, or a loved one has gone into care, it is just so hard and so emotional letting go of every little piece. 

Dealing With Clutter

Our guide for you to remove the clutter:

Sit amongst it. Go to every cupboard and room and open it up and have a look.

You don’t have to go through and save everything.

Our homes are already full of what is important to us. Adding more items is too much, unwanted or won’t fit. 

Take a moment and think about what that person has meant to you and embrace all “their” memories. These are the culmination of a lifetime of “their” experiences. No yours.

Think about the things you actually may need to look for, jewellery, important clothing items (wedding dresses, christening gowns, family heirlooms), paperwork like superannuation docs, wills, passports, bank statements, old passbooks, family letters, special dinner, tea and crystal sets, artwork, important furniture pieces, electronics of importance, photographs and books of importance.

What Is Important

When you go through paperwork and there is nothing needing to be kept, ditch it.

Immediately put it into a box marked rubbish so you know you don’t have to look at that again.

For extremely high end furniture and artwork, consider an auction house. 

If you have time in your life look at what can be sold on facebook or gumtree Remember that this takes hours of time.

Photographing and measuring, listing then liaising for pick up and eventually sale; all for generally a minimal amount of money.

Now take what you need, make a list of what you are still looking for and walk away.

Leave the rest to the professionals, it could still be 100’s of hours of work to get the house empty, cleaned and ready for its next chapter in life, whether for rent or sale.

How Aust Decon Help You

This is where Aust Decon Specialised Cleaners come in.

We are here to take on the hard work, sort and move what is left whilst continuing to look for important items you may have missed.

We give to charities, people in need and organisations that would be greatful for specific items.

The professionals at Aust Decon clean from the light fittings to the floors, carpets and windows, when you walk back in all is done.

What takes you weeks or months in the limited free time you have we can do in a few days.

Aust Decon – Cleaning with Compassion.

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Helping people effected by a traumatic situation restore their property so they can move forward.



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