Deceased Estates or Hoarders – What Is It We Actually Do
People ask us what we do, what we can help with, the answer is pretty well everything involving clearing and cleaning houses, getting ready for a sale, downsizing, upsizing, if we don’t do it personally, we can assist with the management of trades etc. We clear houses...

Mental Health, Anxiety, Physical Health – It’s a Hard Road
When you think about someone with mental health and anxiety, you don’t often relate it to how this affects their living space and how quickly life can spiral out of control. Consider having surgery and suddenly it is difficult to bend over, carry items, step up or get...

A Year in the Life of a Trauma Cleaner
This must be the BEST JOB IN THE WORLD. Well that’s my opinion anyway. We go under the guise of different titles; Trauma Cleaner, Forensic Cleaning Technician, Industrial Accident Cleaner. Our job consists of cleaning: traumatic situations medical events unattended...

When Someone Dies in a Property
What do you do when someone dies in a property you manage. This is our job, we clean the “worst of the worst” people can imagine. It is our job to make it all go away. We help the owner move forward and get the property back on the market.

Extreme Clutter / Hoarding Epidemic
So … you think you are the only one in the street with a house full of clutter and hoarding. Do you think you need some extreme cleaning?. You visit Julia’s house and it is clean, white, pristine, everything in its place, no extreme clutter, damn it, even the rubbish...

Ultimate Cleaning Guide to Unraveling Clutter After Unexpected Death
This has been the hardest most excruciating time, sitting here amongst all the possessions and going through every piece, every memory, one by one and working out what to do with it all, and this is what I do for a living for our beautiful clients.

It’s a New Chapter for your Property
The time comes when it’s a New Chapter for your property, here is how to do it with the least amount of hassle.

How to Help a Hoarder
What may be some of the cause for hoarding and how could we help a hoarder? Hoarding is not just a case of collecting too much, it may be caused by: • Dementia...

Cleaning up a Deceased Estate
For many people this is an emotional time and several family members can be involved in the process. We have been called into to dozens of different situations and scenarios over many years clearing properties. There are times when there are no family members in...

A Day in the Life of a Perth Trauma Cleaner
So you think this could be the job for you. Checking out crime scenes, working out what may have happened, playing junior detective. Then this is not the job for you, because that is the movies and real life is quite different. The sort of jobs that could be attended...
We help to clean up and restore your property so you can start taking the next steps to move forward.
We help 24/7 – Perth WA
10 most important things to consider
in a clean-up situation

Helping people effected by a traumatic situation restore their property so they can move forward.
Call us 24/7 - We are here to help when you need it most!
Normal working hours:
Monday to Friday
07.00 - 19.00
Weekends: As required